Voters have the opportunity to make their voices heard on the referendum before Election Day by voting early. 🗳️ Vote early in-person at the school district office (611 Vigen Lane, Lake Park, MN 56544) Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through November 6. 📥 Absentee ballot applications are still available for request! Visit to learn how you can request an absentee ballot. Marked absentee ballots must be received on or before Tuesday, November 7 to be counted.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
oct. 25
Over the past eight years, our district has lost more than 100 employees, including over 40 teachers and 60 support staff - often because of pay. Investing in our teachers and staff helps maintain small class sizes and enhances education and programming. As our student population continues to grow and the expectations on our schools increase, additional funding would help us retain and attract high-quality teachers and staff - now and in the future. Visit to learn more about the district's proposed plan to invest in teachers and staff.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
oct. 24
Investing in our teachers and staff would help maintain small class sizes and enhance educational opportunities. Learn more about the November referendum and the plan to create a stronger LPA at ❤️🖤
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
oct. 23
Quality education requires retaining and recruiting quality teachers. That's why our district is proposing a new operating levy aimed at investing in teachers and staff to improve student achievement. Learn more at ❤️🖤
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 18
As the weather grows colder and our winter months are upon us, we wanted to let you know that we are offering Open Gym time again this year on Sundays from 6-8 p.m. Open Gym is available to all our community members. Please feel free to come in to utilize the school for walking and indoor sports. In addition, we'd want to offer board games in the cafeteria, so if you have any gently used family-friendly games you'd like to give or bring to play, please do so. Donations can be left at the high school office. We would also like to create a warm area for our future Raiders( 5 and under) to burn off energy. We will have the theater open for this age group to use. Also, plan on accumulating some small items to keep them engaged. If you want to bring tiny ride-on toys, you are welcome to do so. If you have any questions, please contact Roz.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Don't forget - early voting for the November referendum is available! Here is how you can vote early: 🗳️ Vote early in person at the school district office, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ✉️ Vote early at home via absentee ballot. To request an absentee ballot, go to Get more details on early voting at
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 16th
Your Weekly Sports Calendar. Check for Updates here:
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 16
Our district has lost over 40 teachers and staff in the last eight years, often to other school districts that offer higher salaries and wages. Chronic underfunding from the state over the past 15 years has put increasing pressure on our operating budget, which supports teacher and staff salaries. Learn how the district plans to address this challenge and strengthen education at
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
oct. 13
Mark your Calendars. If you would like to host a trunk here is the sign-up link.
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
JOIN THE BAND! The Raider Pep Band welcomes all Alumni, Parents, and Community members to play at sporting events! Join us for the Homecoming Football Game, Friday October 13. The band starts playing at 6:30 PM. Contact Andrew Eklund with questions:
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
FUNDRAISER ALERT! Raider Band and Choir students are selling Braided Bread! If you are wanting to purchase some bread, ask a band or choir student about it! Orders are due Oct. 23rd and items will be delivered before Thanksgiving. Questions? Contact Mr. Eklund or Mrs. Jordan.
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Lake Park Audubon Public Schools is currently hiring for the position of Director of Building and Grounds. Duties include, but are not limited to, supervising custodial staff, overseeing maintenance and repairs, ensuring both interior and exterior grounds are clean and serviceable, and working with administration to meet building needs. Benefits included. Salary DOE. If interested, please complete an application at For more information, please contact Dr. Godfrey at 218-325-0754.
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
What happens if the November referendum does not pass? A failed referendum could lead to larger class sizes and limited educational programming and services. Teachers and staff are essential for strong student programming and services, but non-competitive salaries and wages compared to surrounding districts threaten our recruitment and retention efforts. Learn about the plan to invest in our teachers and staff to improve student achievement at
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 11
2023 Homecoming Coronation 10:45 AM LPA High School Theater Watch Here:
over 1 year ago, Casey Thomazin
Happy Homecoming Week! Tomorrow morning is our Homecoming Royalty Coronation! The public is welcome to join us at 10:45 AM in the Lake Park High School Theater or to join us virtually as the event will also be livestreamed. Our candidates for King this year are Drew Harris, Tyson Nerdahl, Wyatt Simon & Anton Wickenheiser. Our candidates for Queen are Bailie Hostrup, Lylian Brandenburger, Laney Mattson, and Erin Schauer. Our Junior Escorts are Bernice Minske, Mia Voth, Tripp Eiter, and Kale Thompson. Best of luck to our LPA Royalty!
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Your Weekly Sports Calendar. Check for Updates here:
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 9th
Looking for a Basketball Coach- Spread the word. More information can be found here:
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
On November 7, district residents will vote on a plan to invest in our staff, students, and schools. If approved by voters the estimated property tax increase for a property valued at $200,000 would be $9 per month. A property valued at $300,000 would see an estimated increase of $13 per month. To see your projected property tax impact, view our chart on
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 6
Teachers and staff are essential to maintain smaller class sizes and enhance education opportunities. To help retain and recruit teachers and staff, LPA Schools is seeking to increase our operating levy. If approved by voters on Tuesday, November 7, the levy would generate an additional $450,000 in revenue per year for the next 10 years, supporting: 👩‍🏫 Improved teacher and staff compensation 👨‍🎓 Maintenance of our small class sizes 🛠️ Expanded course offerings focused on career and technical education 📖 Enhanced personalized learning experiences ➕ Tutoring and student support for math and literacy Visit to learn more about the plan to support our schools.
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Oct. 4
Local Figure Skating Club
over 1 year ago, LPA Schools