Congratulations to our Elementary Spelling Bee Champion Elie Gonzales and our District Spelling Bee Champion Carter Leshovsky. Carter will move on to the Regional Spelling Bee on Tuesday, February 6th. Good Luck Carter
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Support the Arts!
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Blood Drive!
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
The following students will be participating: Doran, Breck Leshovsky, Carter Eggert, Reese McMullen, Nelli Fox, Abby Gonzales, Elie Olson, Addyx Hauseauer, Callan Olson, Kadence Hjelmstad, Jadelyn Schurman, Bennett Jones, Lucas Ziemann, Hayden Good Luck to them all!
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Tonight's Special School Board Meeting 5:00pm HS Media Center Watch Here:
about 1 year ago, Casey Thomazin
BIG Shout Out and Huge THANK YOU to our LPA Paraprofessionals. You are appreciated!!
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
LPA School Board member Susan DeBlieck and Dr. Godfrey attended the MN School Board Association Leadership Conference In Minneapolis this week.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Tonight's School Board Meetings LPA Elementary Media Center Work Session - 5:00pm Monthly Meething - 6:30pm Watch Here:
about 1 year ago, Casey Thomazin
"Children's Dental is running a dental clinic available to all community members on February 16th from 9:30 to 5:30. Contact the school nurse, Carissa Carlson in the elementary office at 218-325-0754 for more information."
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
If you miss Open Gym at the Elementary today, the High School has another opportunity for you.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
See you this Sunday at Open Gym!
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Implementing a new energy drink policy in school to start the new year. Kindly let your children know about this.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Lake Park Audubon Community Education is up and running if you haven't yet, go like the Facebook page to stay up to date: AND......CHECK OUT THE NEW WEBSITE!
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
We have added a few more job openings to our open positions, which include: JV Softball Coach JH Softball Coach JH Track & Field Coach Business Manager Assistant Cook Secondary Math Teacher After-School Care and Summer Camp Supervisor School Bus & Type III Drivers Secondary School Tutor High School Social Worker Job Descriptions and Application information can be found here:
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Dr. Godfrey applied to Wild Rice Electric for a grant donation to help our high-tech greenhouse. They offered us a maximum of $5000. Wild Rice's Tommy Houdek came to present the check. The greenhouse program will be led by Ms. Hueners.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Wishing everyone a wonderful winter break! We will see you next year.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Tonight's Truth in Taxation meeting is at 6pm followed immediately by the School Board Regular Monthly Meeting at 6:30. Watch here:
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Grant Winner! Congrats Mrs. Hueners! Thank you for your time and commitment to our students and the LPA School District.
about 1 year ago, LPA Schools
Dear Parents, It's that time of year again where we break for a short period for the Christmas Holiday/Winter Break. I feel like I've already gotten my Christmas present: no snow days before January 1st! This Thursday is our last day of school before break. There will be no after school Raider Cair on Thursday. LPA Elementary will release at 1:15 p.m. and LPA Secondary will release at 1:30 p.m. School will resume on January 3rd. Please have a peaceful and relaxing holiday break. We hope that the new year finds you safe and well and ready to move forward into 2024. Dr. Godfrey
about 1 year ago, Tim Godfrey