Transportation services are provided with district-owned vehicles and contracted services for the safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school.
Students' bus route information is generally mailed the week before school starts. Route information can also be found in Waypoint® Parents App
Transportation Director

Matt Jensen
New parent app and route tracking coming soon
School Bus Guidelines
Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right!!
Students must ride their regularly assigned scheduled bus. If your child needs to ride a different bus, please call the school office to request a bus pass. Bus pass requests cannot deviate from the regular bus route. Please have your child pick up their bus pass in the office before boarding the bus and give it to the bus driver upon entry.
School Bus Rules
Students will respect and immediately follow the directions of the bus driver.
Students will talk quietly and use appropriate language while on the bus.
Students will remain in their seats, facing forward, while the bus is moving.
Students will keep all body parts inside the bus.
Students will not throw objects or holler out the bus windows.
Students will respect school property and the property of others while riding the bus.
Students will not eat, drink, or use alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapes, or drugs while riding the school bus. ** Water is acceptable**
Students will avoid fighting, harassing, intimidating, and horseplay with other students while on the bus.
Violations of School Bus Safety Rules may result in any of the following
Consequences for school bus misconduct will apply to all regular and activity routes.
The student may lose riding privileges for any violation deemed a safety concern by the school administration.
Pre-K thru 5th Grade
The driver will discuss the problem with the student and the consequences that will arise because of their misconduct.
Repeat offenders will be given a behavior slip to communicate home and a scheduled conference with the bus driver and/or school administration to prevent future violations.
The first behavior slip will result in an administrative conference with the student and communication home.
A second behavior slip will result in 3 days of lost riding privileges.
A third behavior slip will result in 5 days of lost riding privileges.
6th thru 12th Grade
The driver will discuss the problem with the student and the consequences that will arise because of their misconduct.
Repeat offenders will be given a behavior slip to communicate home and a scheduled conference with the bus driver and/or school administration to prevent future violations.
1st offense - Administrative conference with the student and communication home.
2nd offense - 3-5 school-day suspension from riding the bus.
3rd offense – 5-10 school-day suspension from riding the bus.
4th offense – 10-20 school-day suspension from riding the bus and a meeting with parents.
5th offense – suspended from riding the bus for the remainder of the school year.
When any student goes 60 transportation days without a misconduct report, the student’s consequences may start over at the first offense.
Other Discipline
Based on the severity of a student’s conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time. Depending on the nature of the offense, consequences such as suspension or expulsion from school also may result from school bus misconduct.
Records of school bus misconduct will be forwarded to the individual school building and will be retained in the same manner as other student discipline records. Reports of student misbehavior on a school bus or in a bus-loading or unloading area that are reasonably believed to cause an immediate and substantial danger to the student or surrounding persons or property shall be provided by the school district to local law enforcement and the Department of Public Safety in accordance with state and federal law.
Vandalism/Bus Damage
Students damaging school buses will be responsible for the damages. Failure to pay such damages (or arrange to pay) within two weeks may result in the loss of bus privileges until damages are paid.
Criminal Conduct
In cases involving criminal conduct (for example, assault, weapons, drug possession, or vandalism), the appropriate school district personnel and local law enforcement officials will be informed.