Community Education


LPA Community Education offers comprehensive educational programs catering to

individuals of all ages within our community. You are welcome to participate in a

Community Education program or activity. Cultivate a talent, acquire a novel ability, or

venture into unexplored territory—you will undoubtedly appreciate the outcome!

Mission Statement

LPA Community Education aims to improve the overall well-being of community people

by offering lifelong learning opportunities through collaborative endeavors.


Collaboration through, community education  COMMUNITY EDUCATION Building Better chools and Stronger Neighborhoods  Community education is crucial to Minnesota's future. This statewide school-based network combines local resources and people to enhance schools and communities. Community Education offers outstanding programs for all ages and abilities, including newborns, preschoolers, school-aged children, adults, and elders. Long-standing community education emphasizes citizen engagement and collaborative partnerships, connecting schools to the community.

Office Location

Lake Park Audubon District Office (Inside High School)

611 Vigen Ln.

Lake Park, MN 56554

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 479


Stay up to date by following our Community Education. Facebook

Contact Information

Rozalyn Howery

Community Education Manager

218.325.0754 ext. 7099